Productivity through innovation.

Your General Counsel Coach

Imagine having a coach who’s been exactly where you are, who can support you with on-going guidance and advice to meet your challenging environment.

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Jolie Lin, Founder & CEO

Passionate. Creative. Innovative. Collaborative. Jolie is a seasoned lawyer of 30+ years in private practice and as in-house legal leader in the financial services sector, including many years specializing in transformation and innovation in legal operations. She is known as a thought-leader, building operational functions within multiple corporate legal and compliance departments, and most recently, for developing General Counsel University (GCU) a leadership program for Women General Counsel Canada, to enhance competencies, knowledge, attributes and skills necessary for legal leaders.

Jolie is a General Counsel Coach who can support and foster greater productivity and efficiency, and enhance the leadership qualities of your team. She can help your team be its very best.

Meet Jolie

“Jolie brings tremendous experience and insight to every matter she approaches … and as a result, the things she has a hand in are always better than where they started.”

— Bindu Cudjoe, SVP, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary,

Laurentian Bank of Canada

KM made easy

Linnovation Works is the culmination of best practices in knowledge management, minimizing risk in cumbersome operations and laborious manual processes — essentially, doing more with less. At its core, Linnovation Works is nimble and adaptive, striving to achieve outstanding value in unique client environments.

True productivity

Productivity through innovation. KM isn't just a catch-phrase, and it isn't just about precedents and templates. It also isn't about automation for the sake of automation, or innovation for the sake of innovation. We can help you find the right balance of process optimization and automation, and allows you to work smarter, not harder.

Simple innovation

Now that everyone is asked to take out inefficiencies, reduce waste, and implement (or automate) better processes and controls, let us help you create the most effective work environment you can. Linnovation Works offers operational services which are flexible, fit-for-purpose, and scalable. We have been helping firms and corporate legal department for decades.

Let us help you find a better way.

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Legal Technology

Choose the right technology solution to fit your specific needs: matter/document management; contract lifecycle management; eDiscovery; tracking and data analysis to support reporting. Make sure your team has the tools they need to work efficiently, in the office and WFH. Provide training (via web, in-person or through tip sheets) to enhance technology adoption and efficiency. Appropriate automation and digitization can provide significant savings and reduce risk.

Training and Coaching

Encourage collaboration and better buy-in to a united vision, and develop a true high-performance culture. Provide development opportunities and leadership coaching. Set goals and support the building of team and personal brands. Ensure your teams’ continued professional excellence and increase their engagement. Engage the team in appropriate succession planning.

Process Simplification and Project Management

Do less to achieve more. Incorporate design thinking to simplify processes for both ‘business as usual’ as well as resource-challenged crisis periods. Apply project management disciplines to ensure priorities are executed on time and within budget, and properly integrated into your organization. Streamline processes to manage unexpected volumes, to ensure consistency of outcomes and to prevent knock-on fallout issues.

Information Management

Matter, document and records management are essential business practices that help develop insights, reduce waste, and manage risk. This is especially true in the self-serve environment of this pandemic. Minimize risk and maximize quality by having access to your most important information, through shared sites, centralized search capabilities or other platforms.. Enable ways to share knowledge (e.g. new regulatory developments, policies and standards, compliance frameworks) while maintaining consistency and quality assurance through templates and precedents. Don’t reinvent the wheel — reuse, reduce and recycle. Mandate timely records destruction consistent with retention policies to mitigate litigation cost and risk.

Data Analytics and Reporting

Insightful reporting for informed decisions. Promote lucid and relevant reporting across your business, leadership and boards, to enable better decision-making. Build trust and engagement by being concise; use clear language and consistent templates, and integrate information to avoid potential gaps and cumbersome reporting cycles. Precision + Concision = Better Decisions.

External Spend Management

Establish a program to manage a select panel of preferred vendors, to give you better cost predictability, greater purchasing power and mitigate contractor and subcontractor risks. Simplify your procurement process and ensure competition.


Work with us.

Efficient business operations and being able to access your knowledge and expertise are key to having a competitive advantage. Our team of experts in operations, knowledge management, and legal tech are here to help transform your department.